Integrative Animal Wellness Conference Interview: Shaughn Roman

Jul 12, 2023

L. Shaughn Roman - Horse Speak Certified Practitioner: Equine Behavioral Specialist


  • Horse Speak - Using Young Living Oils To Address Emotional Issues, Gain Trust & Engage Connection: How to use the Horse Speak Communication Techniques and Essential Oils to have our relationship, training, and activities easier with greater understanding. NOTE: These techniques work great with ALL animals, even humans!

Shaughn has trained and worked with ‘problem’ horses, specifically Mustangs for decades. Her background in horse health and initial courses in vet med led to alternative solutions for recognizing and solving their emotional issues, along with their physical. Her training includes courses with Parelli, Brannaman, Anderson, McVitty, Rolf, Neiberlink, Hoke and Wilsie. Horse Speak is an understanding of the basic messages of how horses communicate with each other. It was designed to bridge, or fill in, the gap that training and life skills failed to meet.